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Iris Marsh
10 aug 20234 minuten om te lezen
12 Portal Fantasy Writing Prompts
Need inspiration for your next story? Why not try to write a portal fantasy story? Check out these portal fantasy writing prompts!

Iris Marsh
9 aug 20236 minuten om te lezen
What Makes a Good Epic Fantasy Story? Using Reader Expectations
When you know what readers expect from an epic fantasy novel, it becomes easier to plot and write it. Find out what these expectations are.

Iris Marsh
2 aug 20236 minuten om te lezen
What Makes a Good Epic Fantasy Story? Using Genre Conventions
What makes a good epic fantasy story? Using genre conventions will help you add the right ingredients. Here you'll find an overview.

Iris Marsh
24 jul 202310 minuten om te lezen
How do You Start Writing an Epic Fantasy Story? Part 1: Hero’s Journey
Writing an epic fantasy story can seem like a daunting task. In this article, we start with the basics, exploring the Hero's Journey.

Iris Marsh
30 mei 20236 minuten om te lezen
Character Goals: What do They Want and Why?
For an engaging story, your character needs goals. They have to want something to keep the reader interested. Read more for examples.

Iris Marsh
24 mei 20235 minuten om te lezen
Narrative Device: How do You Tell Your Story?
Narrative device is concerned with how you're telling your story. In this article, we'll discuss the different options and how to pick one.

Iris Marsh
18 mei 20236 minuten om te lezen
Point of View: Which POV Should You Use in Your Story?
Point of view is an important tool for every writer. The right POV is crucial to telling the right story. Read on to dive deeper into POV.

Iris Marsh
16 mei 20234 minuten om te lezen
What is the Theme of a Story & How can You Find it?
Theme is an essential element of stories. But what is a theme and how can you find it? Read more to find out what your story's theme is.

Iris Marsh
15 mei 20236 minuten om te lezen
What are the Types of Book Editing (and How do You Decide Which one You Need)?
Finishing your first draft is only step one. Next comes editing. But which types of book editing exist and which one do you need?

Iris Marsh
5 mei 20235 minuten om te lezen
Using Genre Conventions and Reader Expectations to Write a Killer Story
Genre conventions and reader expectations are the key ingredients for writing killer stories your readers will love. Read on to learn more!

Iris Marsh
26 apr 20235 minuten om te lezen
A Guide to Understanding Fiction Genres
Understanding fiction genres can help you when you're writing and editing your book. This article gives you a thorough overview.

Iris Marsh
27 mrt 20233 minuten om te lezen
10 Dark Fantasy Romance Writing Prompts
Get inspired with some dark fantasy romance writing prompts. It's a popular genre with a mix between romance and danger.

Iris Marsh
13 mrt 20234 minuten om te lezen
The Cost of Proofreading (And Budget-Friendly Options)
Proofreading is the last check of your manuscript to find any errors. But how much does proofreading cost? Find out in this article.

Iris Marsh
28 feb 20235 minuten om te lezen
The Cost of Copy Editing (And Budget-Friendly Options)
Hiring a copy editor for your manuscript comes with costs. But how expensive is copy editing? And are there budget-friendly options?

Iris Marsh
2 feb 20236 minuten om te lezen
The Cost of Line Editing (And Budget-Friendly Options)
Self-publishing a book can become costly quickly. This article lays out potential line editing costs and budget-friendly alternatives.

Iris Marsh
24 jan 20232 minuten om te lezen
8 Supernatural Thriller Writing Prompts
Supernatural thriller is an exciting genre. If you want to write a suspenseful paranormal story, check out these writing prompts for ideas.

Iris Marsh
19 jan 20233 minuten om te lezen
11 Paranormal Romance Writing Prompts
Paranormal romance is a popular sub-genre of romance that features the supernatural. Find inspiration to write a story in this genre.

Iris Marsh
17 jan 20235 minuten om te lezen
How to Use APA Citations in Your Nonfiction Book
Knowing how to cite your sources in your nonfiction book is important for credibility. Find my tips & tricks for APA referencing here.

Iris Marsh
12 jan 20235 minuten om te lezen
Em Dash, En Dash, and Hyphen: When Do You Use Them?
The em dash, en dash, and hyphen look a lot alike, but each has a different purpose. How do you use them correctly? Read on to find out.

Iris Marsh
5 jan 20233 minuten om te lezen
Active vs. Passive Voice in Writing: Which to Use?
You've undoubtedly heard the advice: never use passive voice in writing, use active voice. Is this always true? What's the difference?
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