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Iris Marsh
29 aug 20237 minuten om te lezen
How to Write a Killer Scene
Knowing how to write a great scene is essential for an author. Great scenes are what will keep readers engaged. Click to learn more!

Iris Marsh
25 aug 20235 minuten om te lezen
How to Add Emotion to Your Writing
Adding emotion to your writing is a crucial element in writing a great book. But how do you show emotions? Click here to find out!

Iris Marsh
24 aug 202310 minuten om te lezen
Outlining a Novel Using the Super Structure Method
The super structure method is an outlining method by James Scott Bell. If you struggle plotting your fiction story, keep reading!

Iris Marsh
12 dec 20224 minuten om te lezen
Books About Writing Fiction: Review of The Write Structure
Reading books about writing fiction is essential to increase your skills. The Write Structure is a great book for learning story structure.
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