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1. Types of book editing
2. Beginner's guide to self-editing your novel
3. 8 ways to sharpen your editing skills
4. Top 5 writing & editing tools
5. 15 questions to ask your book editor before hiring
Developmental editing explained by an editor
5 common mistakes writers make with developmental editing
The cost of developmental editing
What is a manuscript critique and how can it improve your book?
1. Active vs passive voice
2. Comma splices: What are they?
3. How to use APA citations in your nonfiction book
4. The cost of line editing
5. The cost of copyediting
1. Em dash, en dash, and hyphen
2. Capitalization of fantasy and sci-fi races
3. How to punctuate dialogue
4. How to use semicolons in your writing
5. How to use parentheses in your (non)fiction writing
6. How to punctuate a list
7. Tips for proofreading a dissertation, thesis, or paper
8. The cost of proofreading